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Who we Are?
RTG is an Ethiopian youth focused Resident’s charity organization that operates regardless of political, religious, racial, and linguistic considerations. The rationale behind establishing RTG is directly related to a great deal of irresponsible life that the young generation is leading. The organization was legally established in 2001 by the memorandum of association and mandated to operate in all regional states of the country.  It has recently renewed its license with the registration number 0826.


Vision and Mission

Vision: To see the generation’s potential is understood, released and maximized, for a better life in the posterity.

Mission: RTG is committed to work for the empowerment of youth, women and different community members to release and maximize their potentials through constructive dialogue, capacity building, voicing, providing quality social services, partnership and networking with relevant stakeholders

Organizational values and principles


  • Appreciation
  • Care & Convenience
  • Cooperation
  • Equity & Inclusion
  • Now Needed
  • Transparency, Accountability and Trustworthiness

Based on the new 2021-2025 strategic plan development process of the organization, realized that in the past 20s years and the upcoming five years the journey of the organization classified into five Eras

Volunteerism Era
The first ten years from 2001-2010. The era was recognized a number of youths joined and become Volunteers to combat HIV/ AIDS pandemic.
Professionalism Era
Next five years from 2011- 2015. Here professionals were needed to perform the organizational intervention.
Consortium Era
Years 2016-2020, at this stage the organization has made a partnership and formed a coalition to implement different programs and projects as a lead and co-implementing partner as well.
Consolidation Era
In the current strategic era from 2021- 2025, the organization has a plan and working on a combination of the past three eras and become a strong youth-focused organization.
Volunteerism Era
The organization envisions the next five years from 2026 – 2030. Will work to have an area of specialization.